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Agoraphobia: What You Need To Know

Mar 09, 2022

Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder known for causing intense fear and avoidance of certain places or situations. In the United States, around 1% of adults and 2% of adolescents struggle with symptoms of agoraphobia. It is most common in teenagers and young adults. A stressful or traumatic event, struggling with anxiety, or having a panic disorder are risk factors for developing agoraphobia. When someone experiences a panic attack or other traumatic event, they can develop an unreasonable fear of being in the same or similar location. If left unmanaged, agoraphobia can become a disruptive condition that negatively affects your daily life.


Signs and Symptoms of Agoraphobia 

Symptoms of agoraphobia include a paralyzing fear of certain situations or places. Someone struggling with agoraphobia has usually experienced a traumatic event associated with a specific location or task. Common signs of agoraphobia are fear of leaving home, fear of being in large crowds, fear of driving in heavy traffic, fear of being in enclosed spaces (movie theaters, movies, elevators, stores), or wide-open spaces (parking lots, bridges, shopping malls), and sometimes public transportation. Even the thought of being in or around certain places is enough to cause debilitating panic attack symptoms. Agoraphobia can easily disrupt life and cause an upheaval in family dynamics if you don’t find a way to manage the symptoms. Most common treatment and management options include medications to alter your state of mind and psychotherapies, including CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy, also known as exposure therapy). But for many people, these are not enough or not effective.

Managing Agoraphobia 

Thankfully, there are more options available for those who have discovered that traditional management methods are ineffective or not sustainable. Tre™ is a system of dynamic body movements that anyone can learn to do. Once you learn Tre™, you can perform it anywhere, anytime. These exercises help you release stress, tension, and trauma that are housed deep within your muscles. Most people who learn and practice Tre™ regularly report a significant improvement in their anxiety levels and their ability to manage symptoms of panic and agoraphobia. Other ways you can support yourself or a loved one who suffers from agoraphobia are: 


  • Manage your anxiety and stress with healthy coping skills such as Tre™.   
  • Find support with a community of people who share similar experiences. 


Brilliant Life Community can help you learn more about managing agoraphobia as well as other anxiety and panic-related disorders. We have put together a resource that teaches you two simple yet powerful Tre™ exercises that can help you regain calm and restore harmony in your life. Download our free guide 5 Keys to Unlock Anxiety to start a journey towards peace. Click here to learn more about Tre™ and how it has helped my family. 


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